NORWEGIAN RED SEA CUCUMBER - 150 TABLETS. Price $ 120 + shipment

Produced from 100% natural Norwegian Red Sea Cucumber. (30 DAYS CONSUMPTION). 30-day money back guarantee. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT AVAILABLE WITHIN NORWAY/EU FOR THE MOMENT.

PriceNOK900,00 Incl. VAT
In stock: 100+ pc.
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(6) (4 reviews)
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In stock: 100+ pc.
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Sea sausage has been sought after for centuries due to health benefits. In Asia, they use sea sausage for its healing properties and as an aid in treating ailments such as arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, frequent urination, impotence, abrasion pain, weight loss, better cholesterol anti-aging. Sea sausage has health benefits that can contribute to increased your quality of life, health and well-being.

In Norway, there has been more research on sea sausage as a food and its potential properties in medicine. Møreforsking has spent a lot of time on sea sausage with research leader Margaret Kjerstad.

See links for- What is sea sausage?


Sea sausage has a very low number of calories and a high percentage of fat and protein - which can make it beneficial for people who want weight loss through diet. It also contains many potent nutrients, including antioxidants, which are good for your health. Adding protein sources such as sea ​​sausage, in the diet and / or as a dietary supplement, can help regulate bowel movements. This can also contribute to lower overall food intake and stabilize blood sugar levels.

Foods rich in protein can be especially beneficial for people with diabetes who want to control their blood sugar levels. Plus, a high-protein diet can improve blood circulation, help lower blood pressure and improve bone density.

See links for sea sausage composition and nutritional properties:


See links for research on sea sausage effect and diabetes:


See link for research on high blood pressure and the effect of sea sausage:


Sea sausage contains something as rare as 7 out of 8 essential amino acids. The sea sausage is also packed with protein, vitamins, minerals and several substances that benefit the general health. For example, they contain phenol and flavonoid antioxidants, which have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body.

See link for anti-inflammatory function from sea sausage extracts:


Diets rich in these drugs are associated with reduced risk of many chronic diseases, including heart disease and neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer´s disease. Sea sausage also contains something called triterpene glycosides, which have antifungal, antitumor and immune-boosting properties.

Sea sausage also contains high concentrates of chondroitin sulfate, an important component of human connective tissue found in cartilage and bone. There are indications that foods and supplements that contain chondroitin sulfate may be beneficial for people with common diseases such as osteoarthritis.

High content of chondroitin sulphate:


Beneficial for people with e.g. osteoarthritis:


Other interesting properties of sea sausage is that it also contains a rare large number of nutrients. A natural explanation for this is that it is due to the diet, which consists of organic waste on the seabed, which in turn also provides a strong immune system for the sea sausage. It has the ability to regenerate lost parts of the body. When attacked, the sea sausage can get rid of large parts of the intestines and other intestines. These later grow back and allow the sea sausage to escape the threat.

Sea sausage also contains substances called cytotoxins, which have a property in fighting cancer cells. For example, a test tube study showed that triterpene diglycosides found in sea sausages had a toxic effect on five types of cancer cells, including breast cancer, prostate and skin cancer cells. Another study found that Ds-echinoside, a type of triterpene derived from sea sausage, reduced the spread and growth of human liver cancer cells. Although the results are promising, more research is needed to determine the effect of using sea sausage to fight cancer cells.

See links for research on sea sausage as potential cancer drugs:


See link for research on Immunostimulatory and antitumor functions for sea sausage extracts:


A number of test tube studies have shown that sea sausage extract eliminates the growth of bacteria, including E. coli, S. aureus and S. typhi, all of which can cause disease. Other studies have shown that sea urchins can fight Candida albicans, an opportunistic yeast that can cause infections if levels get out of control, especially in immunocompromised individuals.

Reduced proliferation and growth of human liver cancer cell:


Eliminates the growth of bacteria:


Antiseptic effect from sea sausage against multiorgan failure induced by sepsis: Molecular and histopathological study:


A one-week study conducted in 17 elderly nursing home patients with overgrowth of oral Candida (fungal infection in the mouth), showed that those who used seaweed extract experienced a reduction in overgrowth compared to those who did not eat seaweed extracts. In addition, a study showed that sea sausage fought sepsis, a life-threatening complication associated with harmful bacteria.

See link for reduced overgrowth of oral Candida:


Sea sausage can also improve heart and liver health. Tests have been made on high blood pressure which were tested with sea sausage extract, the tests show a significant reduction in blood pressure. Another study shows that a seaweed extract diet significantly reduced total cholesterol.

Seafood-rich diet significantly reduced total cholesterol:


Furthermore, another study showed that hepatorenal disease reduces with sea sausage extracts and reduces oxidative stress and liver damage, as well as improved liver and kidney function.

See link for reduced oxidative stress and liver damage, as well as improved liver and kidney function:


In summary, based on tests and research, there are several indications that sea sausage can be an aid that helps to fight cancer cells, inhibit harmful bacteria and improve heart health. However, more studies are needed before conclusions about the possible health benefits of sea sausage can be scientifically accepted.



Sea sausage has been consumed around the world for centuries and its properties are considered relatively safe, but sea sausage properties also have some potential concerns.

  • First, they have anticoagulant properties, which means they can thin the blood. Those taking blood-thinning medications such as Warfarin should stay away from seaweed, especially in concentrated supplements, to reduce the risk of increased bleeding.
  • Secondly, sea urchins are in the same family as sea urchins and starfish, and should be avoided by people who are allergic to shellfish.

100% BACK GUARANTEE - Our products reflect our commitment to provide you with the best quality and we guarantee that every product you buy is made from the purest, freshest nutrients and meets the highest quality standards. If you are not completely satisfied with our product purchased in the last 30 days, you can just return and we will give you a full refund for your purchase. Upon return, shipping will not be refunded.

Sea Cucumber as food:


Chemical composition and nutritional quality of sea cucumber:


Diet Protein - its role in satiety, energy, weight loss and health:


Essential amino acids:


People with Diabetes:


Effects of diets with higher versus lower protein on health outcomes:


Flavonoids as anti-inflammatory agent:


Diet polyphenols, inflammation and cancer:


Anti-inflammatory effects of dietary phenolic compounds in an in vitro model of inflamed human intestinal epithelium:


Anti-inflammatory effects of flavonoids in neurodegenerative disorders:


Bioactive compounds, antioxidant potential and hepato-protective activity of sea urchin (Holothuria atra) against thioacetamide poisoning tested on rats:


Nutrition and amyloid neurodegenerative diseases with a focus on natural phenols:


Saponins from the sea cucumber diet reduce orotic acid-induced fatty liver on tests performed on rats via PPARα and SREBP-1c signaling:


Fucosylated chondroitin sulphates from the body wall of sea cucumber Holothuria forskali: conformation, selectin binding and biological activity:


Effects of glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate on cartilage metabolism in OA: Prospects for other nutritional partners, especially omega-3 fatty acids:


Sea Cucumber property to regenerate lost parts of the body:


Toxic effect on five types of cancer cells:


Reduced proliferation and growth of human liver cancer cell:


Reduced oxidative stress and liver damage, as well as improved liver and kidney function:


A sea cucumber diet significantly reduced cholesterol:

Nutritional content of sea sausage:

Four ounces (112 grams) of item:

  • Calories: 60
  • Protein: 14 grams
  • Fat: less than one gram
  • Vitamin A: 8% of RDI
  • B2 (Riboflavin): 60% of RDI
  • B3 (Niacin): 16% of RDI
  • Calcium: 4% of RDI
  • Magnesium: 4% of RDI

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The best quality - If for some reason you are not satisfied with the quality you get a new item or your money back.
The freshest ingredients - We only produce from freshly caught sea sausage which guarantees the quality.
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Average grade:
(6) (4 reviews)

Chau Diem

Kjempe fornøyd :-) :-)

Jeg har brukt sjøpølse tabletter i 15 dager og har merket en utrolig forskjell på mange områder. Energi nivået mitt har blitt på topp. Nå har jeg energi som varer gjennom hele dagen på en krevende jobb og har ingen problem med å ha energi for mitt barn og min familie etter jobben. Før jeg var utrolig stresset og sliten, men nå har dette blitt erstattet med godt humør og et smil. Min hud er endret seg og nå er den frisk og gløder. Jeg er utrolig overrasket over en slik effekt og at min livskvalitet har blitt så bra. Dette produktet anbefaler jeg og gleder meg til å kjenne endringer hver dag. Jente 40 år. :-)

(6) (4 reviews)
, 08.02.2021
Ai Nhi

Takk :-)

Jeg heter Ai Nhi og er fra Kristiansand. I 2019 fant jeg ut at jeg hadde lungekreft, og bare nasopharynx og tarmen ble metastasert. Og tidspunktet for behandlingen min fra 27. februar 2019. til 25. april 2019 hadde 11 cellegift og 30 strålebehandlinger nøyaktig 1 måned. Etter 36 dager begynte jeg på Immunterapi som varte i nøyaktig 1 år. Etter jeg begynte på Immunterapi fikk jeg ledd smerter og til slutt kunne jeg ikke sitte opp eller snu meg selv. For å kunne gjøre dette måtte jeg ha hjelp av min sønn. Jeg ble deprimert og hadde mye smerter. Den 19. desember 2020 kunne jeg fortsatt ikke gå og fikk bestilt Seaqhealth sjøpølse etter et tips fra en venninne. På ettermiddagen 24. desember 2020 tok jeg 4 sjøpølse tabletter om morgenen. Neste morgenen 25. desember 2020 reiste jeg meg plutselig og tok på meg skoene og gikk til messen siden jeg er katolikk. Etter messen gikk jeg en tur på gaten. Jeg var i sjokk over hva som hadde skjedd meg. Jeg tar sjøpølse tabletter hver dag og fungerer til alt jeg har lyst å gjøre. Smertene i kroppen har blitt redusert med 70% og jeg har fått energi og lives gleden tilbake. Det er vanskelig å skrive om en slik endring i livet og samtidig virke troverdig. Men dette er slik sjøpølse har fungert på meg. Min lege er helt overrasket og har nå begynt å lese seg opp på sjøpølse. Jeg kan på det varmeste anbefale Seaqhealth sjøpølse tabletter og takker min venninne for tipset som har gitt meg mitt liv tilbake. Hilsen Ai Nhi Nguyen


(6) (4 reviews)
, 02.03.2021
Anita Fjellstad


Jeg har brukt SeaQhealth sjøpølse tabletter i 3 måneder. Det første jeg merket var at sukkersuget ble mindre. Noe som har resultert i vektnedgang. Energinivået har virkelig økt i denne tiden. Samtidig har såre øyne blitt bedre. Det samme gjelder huden. Ledd og muskler spiller også bedre på lag med kroppen. Anbefaler dette produktet for å få en bedre hverdag. Anita, 68 år

(6) (4 reviews)
, 08.02.2021
Eli Kjersti Torgersen

Strålende fornøyd :-) :-) :-)

Med SeaQhealth sjøpølse tabletter har jeg fått et helt nytt liv. Jeg er 65 år og har med sjøpølse tabletter fått bedre syn, fått energi tilbake, bra blodtrykk og huden har blitt mye bedre og gløden er tilbake. Jeg kan virkelig anbefaler dette produktet for det hjelper. 

(6) (4 reviews)
, 08.02.2021

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